Wednesday, January 8, 2014


I'd love to have the energy to recap my Christmas and time spent with family. But, since around 6 pm on Christmas day I've felt like death warmed over. I caught the bug from someone in Virginia and it is AWFUL. At first it was just a cold and I was sure in just a few days it would be better. And then instead of continuing to get better it got worse again.

We were finally well enough to drive home to South Carolina on New Year's Eve. At which point we basically just went to bed. I haven't gone to the doctor yet because I kept thinking tomorrow I'll feel better. I just need one good night of sleep, etc etc. 

But, I finally caved yesterday afternoon and called my primary care doctor. I see him tomorrow afternoon. Because, apparently they are so swamped that there was nothing available today. 

I will tell you that I loved being home. We spent a week and a half there. We had hoped to see Matt's family more than we did, but when it was time to go back to see them we were both in bed unable to move. But, still it was a great time :) But, oh how nice it was to get back home! The dogs were especially happy. We had to force them to get out of bed to even go to the bathroom. I think they were terrified we were going to make them leave again! Haha or even worse get back in that car! ;)

Since we've been back life has been pretty boring. I haven't been able to work out yet because I still can't breathe and I'm slightly concerned about having an asthma attack. day I'll get back out there! I'm actually really looking forward to it! I'm hopefully if it's not too late joining a running group that meets on Sundays. Everyone gets a partner and an individual helper of sorts. And you don't have to have the same goal as everyone else. I'm looking forward to starting!

Until then I'll be counting down until I see the doctor, eating soup and relaxing!


Nichole @ said...

Sometimes boring is good. We've been so busy the last 5 or 6 weeks, and this week as we start the Whole 30, I have been a zombie. Last night I went to bed by 930. It was effing glorious! I hope you feel better soon, Amber!

Alyssa said...

Oh, girl!!! I have felt the same way. I caught the stomach bug from work and after getting over that, I had about three good days until what I thought was my sinuses kicking in. I finally caved on Sunday and went to the walk in. I ended up leaving with two prescriptions. :( A bit of a bummer but I'm feeling so much better now!! Hope you can get some good meds to make you feel better!!