Tuesday, January 17, 2012

yay for three day weekends!

i love three day weekends. the biggest accomplishments of the past weekend were a cleaned out closet and two clean dogs!

i went to town on our closet. i took everything out that wasn't on a hook. my bedroom looked craaaazy for a few hours on saturday. i bagged up one thing of trash and two bags of donations as well as a box of shoes! i have a photo of the results somewhere but i'm too lazy to find it right now. i went through our things before we moved to SC but we still ended up moving quite a bit that we didn't need to. it felt good to purge! it felt so good that i went ahead and cleaned out the desk too.

after the big purge i found a blog by jenny lee and read her post call better you can find here. since i was on the purge wagon already it really got me thinking about all the extras in my life. and how they take away from the important things. i haven't completely processed all my thoughts on this but i think God has some plans for me in the near future and cleaning out more than just my closet. I think the biggest area in my life this will have an effect on is my 'quiet' time and my time with my family. I definitely need to learn to focus more and redirect time spent on unimportant things.

i mentioned above that the dogs got a bath. i am so lucky matt is around because our dogs might not be giant but they are strong. i would have to pay every time the dogs got a bath if he wasn't around. for some reason both dogs are terrified of the water. like you think you're putting them in giant pots of boiling oil and you're going to cook them terrified. it was so worth the effort though, they smell and look so much better now.

other than that i feel like we really just kind of relaxed. which was definitely needed. we did a lot of socializing last week/weekend and we're definitely both introverts who need down time. we both read some and matt played his video games while i watched a little tv and read some more.

right now i'm reading the marriage plot by jefferey eugenides. i'll let you know what i think about it after i read some more. i also read a little bit more of the alchemist. for some reason i'm just having a hard time getting in to it. i can't decide if i want to keep going or just give up. we'll see how the marriage plot goes. i also found pinterest recently. i know i know, it's been around for awhile, but i didn't think i'd enjoy it. well as per usual i am now obsessed with something new online. i am going to have to start setting a timer for my online time. it's so easy to waste hours pinning!

Source: amazon.com via Sarah on Pinterest

i don't know what the feral cat problem is like where everyone else is from but here they are a serious issue. the dogs both can barely focus when they're outside because there is so much cat poop around. and i have seen some of these cats. they are scary, ginormous animals. i swear the one cat we saw probably weighed the same amount as cajun and looked a whole lot meaner.

today was back to work which wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. the day went super quick. i felt like i worked from the minute i got there until about 4:15 when i started checking emails. the day flew by, i won't complain though, i love when work days do that!

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